There are many people who seem to be unable to believe in God without, also, believing in a personal enemy. In fact, most of the people I know who believe in a personal God believe there is an opposing force working against them, against their belief. In my reinterpretation of the greatest story ever told, I identify an enemy for anyone having a need of one. The enemy I point out is not an entity roaming heaven and earth. It is civilization, the world, in which we live.
Why see the world as our enemy? The world is a perfect enemy because it is our teacher, giving lessons from the moment of birth in how to speak and how to think and what to say and what to think, etc. In fact, humanity becomes reliant on the world to teach all that one needs to know to survive and thrive. However, the opposite lessons are taught. The world teaches that we are separate from God and one another and there is a lack of the vital things necessary for life and happiness. I call this collection of untruths the Lie. Obviously, believing the Lie works against our surviving and thriving in life. In fact, belief in these teachings sets us up for failure and a life ruled by fear.
Once entangled, how can anyone get free of the enemy? Where do we start?
Sadly, we start so often from the wrong place and easily find ourselves in places we wish not to be. You can begin by deciding to no longer live in fear and let Spirit be your teacher. As often as you can, choose to be alone with your teacher by becoming still and entering the Silence.
Spirit teaches that you matter. Irrespective of age, sex, social status, money, personal accomplishments, ethnic or cultural background-- you matter. So, you can refuse to be controlled by guilt, shame, and fear.
No matter what the world teaches, Life is meant to be the celebration of your individual significance, not an endless and fruitless search for the existence of your significance. It is meant for you to take the talents, interests, and passions that are you and find a way plant the seeds that give birth to the life you deserve and were destined to live. You are a valued and important part of a larger tapestry and life is your contribution to that picture.
Celebrate your unique significance. Nurture your talents and interests. Cherish your values and passions. Know that in caring for others you find your greatest affirmation. Know that caring for yourself and caring for others are not an opposition, but a unity that takes you deeper and deeper towards a life of real meaning and completion.
Don't chase something you already have. The days are numbered for all of us. Celebrate! Celebrate the gift of you, the gift of others and the gift of life you are given. Start at the beginning. Start unlearning your feelings of fear and feelings of lack today.