I believe the time is right to enter any debate over "ownership", enter into it thoughtfully. Everyone, anyone, can reclaim the Good News story from the fear-mongering of religious right-wing radicalism. While there is a valid reason to do such, it is probably better not to “reclaim” the same old story, but rewrite it to present something uniquely helpful that meets us where we live today. I offer a Good News Story for our time for consideration and discussion.
Everyone has a story within the larger story of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Sadly, many people of faith choose mixed views of the life of Christ and the original church’s mission, thereby confusing the biblical theme. Their views include a dictated list of works to be done to receive the salvation of the eternal soul. These views are contrary to the great salvation gained and freely given by Jesus’ example. We can escape from judgments that have been mixed with Jesus’ message of redemption and secured by his message and living example of oneness.
For the past few years I have looked beyond the surface to the deeper stories of faith and understanding of the New Testament. And I wrote my reinterpretation of the popular interpretation of the greatest story. I claim my liberty in Spirit to do so. As most who adopt this path, I have been treated skeptically by more orthodox believers within my faith tradition. Yet, they can not honestly deny my reinterpretation's validity.