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Allen Doederlein to speak in Maryville reported by The Daily



Support for mood disorders: Allen Doederlien shares information Thursday

By Linda Braden Albert | [email protected] | July 20, 2014

A series of presentations focusing on mental health issues that began in March at the Blount County Public Library will continue Thursday as Allen Doederlein, president of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), speaks on bipolar disorder and depression. The presentations, sponsored by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Maryville, are free and open to the public.

Doederlein said, “Our headquarters are in Chicago, Ill., and yet, we are really all over the country and have some incredible and important affiliates in Tennessee. The work they do is entirely volunteer. It’s done as a labor of love and it’s done from a very personal place.”

The organization is by and for people who live with depression or bipolar disorder. “That lived experience informs everything we do,” Doederlein said. “We provide information that’s easy and understandable, not written in ‘medicalese,’ not confusing but gets directly to what these conditions are and what you can do to live and get well. We provide empowerment. These are conditions that can make people feel disenfranchised, that can carry great stigma. We want to make sure that people are strong advocates for themselves.”

Peer support

Doederlein said another goal is to raise concerns and needs to elected officials but also on a more personal level. “Also in their work places and their families — anyplace people with mood disorders may find themselves, to say, let’s work collaboratively and constructively to make sure everyone does well,” he said.

DBSA support groups provide valuable assistance and education for those with mood disorders. Doederlein said, “Our chapters operate free, in-person peer support groups. That’s a group that meets without a doctor or clinical professional present, just the people with a lived experience. There’s a great deal of scientific literature that shows that peer-to-peer experience is greatly beneficial and helps people get well and stay well.”

About 53,000 people are reached nationally in a year by these peer support groups, he added.

Doederlein said Larry Drain, president of the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Maryville and initiator of the mental health informational series, is a wonderful example of someone with a great deal of power and intellect who has been challenged by mood disorders.

“He had taken that lived experience and made something in terms of giving back to others,” Doederlein said. “When you think that there are people doing that all over the country, it’s really, really something. Larry’s not only done that in terms of support but also as an advocate.”


At the national level, 50 percent of the paid professional staff and volunteers must, by charter, have personal experience in dealing with mood disorders.

“That perspective informs everything that we do,” Doederlein said. “That’s really important. Very often in health-related education or advocacy, it will be doctors talking to doctors, not really related to a person getting herself or himself well. We make sure that’s at the center of what we do.”

Mood disorders include a spectrum of conditions, including depression and bipolar disorder. Doederlein said, “About 21 million American adults are estimated to be affected by depression and bipolar disorder. That breaks down to about 14 million affected by depression, and between 6 and 7 million affected by bipolar disorder.”

Mood disorders are challenging, but they can be managed and those with the disorders can thrive and contribute to society, Doederlein said. A prime example — Abraham Lincoln.

To learn more, visit the DBSA at www.DBSAlliance.org or attend Thursday’s presentation. It begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Blount County Public Library.


DBSA President's Itinerary for July Visit




DBSA Tennessee

Dear Leaders,

  14 days and Allen will be here!  Do you believe it?

July 23, Wednesday – Chattanooga, TN  - Chattanooga Pendulums, Marilou Coates & Joe Herman
               Marilou - ,    Joe  -

July 24, Thursday -Maryville (Knoxville). Larry Drain
             Larry  -

July 25, Friday - Nashville- 6:30 pm presentation -Living and Thriving with Mental Health Issues- Reception Following
                              Hope park Church, 8001 Hwy 70 Sout, Bellevue, TN    Public invited and wanted
     26th, Saturday - DBSA Picnic  11 am to 4pm,  DBSA members and support people.
                                      6-10pm , Dinner and music downtown Nashville
               Danielle -

July 27, Sunday - Jackson - Steve Brennon
              Steve -

July-28, Monday – Memphis, TN - Chris Dowdy & Billy Higgins
                Chris - ,    Billy -

July 29, Tuesday -Return to Chicago

  I am making the assumption that all are invited to events in each city. Would each chapter leader please send out an email detailing information of your evening? I have included Your phone numbers for any questions anyone might have regarding your event. I of course, am also available for any questions for clarification.

  It is obvious to me that Tennessee will show, Allen the best of Southern hospitality. Thank you all for making this a big success!

Daisy Jabas
Assistant State Director
DBSA Tennessee


DBSA PRESIDENT Allen Doederlein will visit across Tennessee




Daisy Jabas, Assistant Director, submitted this abbreviated itinerary:

I wanted to give each of you Allen Doerderlein's Tennessee visit intenery as it is known now.

July 23rd or 24th, arrive in Maryville, Tn
July 24th- 6 pm presentation for Larry Drain's Speaker Circuit
July 25th- 6 pm Nashville presentation/ reception
July 26th-Nashville Picnic for DBSA Members
July 27th - Arrive in Jackson, TN, DBSA Jackson Doerderlein event (leave Jackson that evening or on e 28th)
July 28th- DBSA Memphis Doerderlein event
Allen says "so long Tennessee, I shall return soon."  on Monday the 28th orTuesday the 29th
Return to Chicago.

More details of all events will be shared as they are organized. Everyone is invited to attend all events,and encouraged to do so, wherever the event is being held. I know that I am like all of you, eagerly awaiting and very excited about Allen's visit. Please keep me informed regarding all aspects of his visit as your Chapter creates them.

Our Doerderlein Event Committee is hard at work, planning and organizing details for a very productive and successful visit. Thank you everyone for your help with this and more so, thank you for your continued dedicated work for all those that live with mood disorders in Tennessee.


Couple forced to separate after 33 years of marriage!
