The DBSA steps up
by hopeworkscommunity
You know it is hard to believe that in this day and time that the voice of ordinary people matter. We tend to believe that if a big organization doesnt say it or some high powered person doesnt say it no one will hear it or pay it attention.
I think that if anything matters it is the voice of ordinary people.
DBSA- Tennessee is taking it serious. About a month ago I suggested that people send Christmas cards to Governor Haslam asking him to keep peer support centers in Tennessee open. I sent that post to literally thousands of people. I have heard from individuals both inside and outside Tennessee telling me they would send cards. I had one large organization in Tennessee very nicely tell me they had their own campaign planned and not to bother them. I really think they wanted something more important than ordinary people to speak.
DBSA was the one organization that took the idea serious. They have 20 chapters in the state and in the last couple of weeks have been asking their members to step up and they have...all across the state. Bravo to them. Major bravo to them.
Peer support centers are worth saving. Your voice is needed. Please speak up.